Obtaining Samples

Samples are available to all scientific investigators following the general principles outlined by the IODP core policy. Samples from Leg 150X and 174AX are processed first through IODP; other sample requests may be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Curator. The following web pages are designed to inform colleagues about the scientific research opportunities provided by these cores and procedures for obtaining samples and data. Datasets and cores are available following a two-year post-drilling moratorium period.

Core Sampling Policy

This document outlines the policy and procedures for distributing ODP Leg 150X and 174AX samples and other cores archived in the Rutgers core repository to research scientists, curators, and educators. This document also defines the obligations that sample and data recipients incur. The specific objectives of the Rutgers sampling policy are to:

  1. ensure availability of samples and data to scientific party members so they can fulfill the objectives of the drilling projects;
  2. encourage scientific analysis over a wide range of research disciplines by providing samples to the scientific community;
  3. preserve core material as an archive for future description and observations, for nondestructive analyses, and for sampling; and disseminate scientific results.

Sampling Guidelines

  1. Routine samples are 10-20 cc maximum per meter for initial sampling;
  2. Closely spaced sampling (e.g., 10 cc every 10 cm) needs to be justified by initial analyses; toothpick samples may be taken for survey work every 10 cm;
  3. Sample requests for 100’s samples need to be justified by initial results;
  4. Sampling critical intervals (e.g., PETM. K/Pg, ETE) precludes sampling within 50 cm of the boundary; sampling within 50 cm requires prior authorization of the SAC.

Sample Distribution

Samples are generally distributed for research projects that can be completed within two to three years. Samples are given or loaned to persons in the following four categories:

  1. Scientists who wish to conduct research on ODP materials and to publish the results; all requests for samples from ODP material must be requested through IODP http://iodp.tamu.edu/curation/samples.html No ODP material may leave Rutgers without approval of the IODP.
  2. Curators of museums and collections; approval for loans must be approved by either the IODP (for IODP material) or our sampling committee (for non-IODP material). Terms of the loan are variable, but are typically 2-3 years with the possibility for renewal.
  3. Educators. Only cores specifically designated for teaching (along with attendant teaching materials) will be loaned and only for periods generally not to exceed two weeks. No sampling of teaching cores is allowed without specific approval of the sampling committee.

Obtaining Samples from Non-ODP cores

Scientists who wish to conduct research on non-ODP/IODP material archived at Rutgers (e.g., Newark Basin Drilling Project, ACE Passaic Tunnel, NJGS, and USGS cores) need to fill out a sample request form (download form by clicking here). The sample request forms should be directed to Jim Browning, Curator, after appropriate moratoria periods (normally 2 years post drilling). The Repository sampling committee will need to evaluate the requests including: unusually large requests, whole-round samples, sampling to completion, or removal of entire core boxes from the Rutgers campus for any purpose.

Rutgers-IODP Sampling Advisory Committee

Kenneth G. Miller, Director Rutgers-IODP Core Repository, Rutgers EPS
James V. Browning, Curator, Rutgers-IODP Core Repository, Rutgers EPS
Paul E. Olsen, Storke Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Columbia University and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Dennis V. Kent, Board of Governors Professor Emeritus, Rutgers EPS and Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
James D. Wright, Professor and Chair, Rutgers EPS