An official repository of the International Ocean Discovery Program 


Welcome to the home page of the Rutgers/New Jersey Geological and Water Survey Core Repository. We are an official repository of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), hosting Legs 150X and 174AX onshore cores drilled as part of the NJ/Mid-Atlantic Transect, and the New Jersey Geological and Water Survey (NJGWS). Cores from other ODP/IODP repositories are available through ODP. Funding is provided by the National Science Foundation, Ocean Sciences Division, Ocean Drilling Program and Rutgers University.

new map

In addition to ODP/IODP cores, we are the repository for:

  1. 6668 m of Newark Basin Drilling Project Triassic cores (e.g., Olsen, Kent, et al. 1996)
  2. More than 10,000 m of the Army Corps of Engineers Passaic Tunnel Project Triassic and Jurassic cores
  3. 1947 m of core from the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Deep Hole
  4. Cores obtained from the Northern North Atlantic as part of the IODP Expedition 303/306
  5. Cores from various rift and drift basins on the eastern and Gulf Coasts of the U.S.
  6. Geological samples from the New Jersey Geological and Water Survey (NJGWS) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) including 304 m of continuous NJGWS/USGS NJ coastal plain cores.

Another function of the Repository is to host tours and to promote the educational use of the cores. We are linked to the Rutgers Geology Museum and offer educational tours of both the Museum and our cores facility. We will offer display cores for educational purposes.

Obtaining Samples

Samples are available to all scientific investigators following the general principles outlined by the IODP core policy. Samples from Leg 150X and 174AX are processed first through IODP; other sample requests may be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Curator. The following web pages are designed to inform colleagues about the scientific research opportunities provided by these cores and procedures for obtaining samples and data. Datasets and cores are available following a two-year post-drilling moratorium period.

Rutgers Core Sample Policy

James V. Browning, Curator
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Earth & Planetary Sciences
Rutgers University
Wright-Rieman Labs
610 Taylor Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (732) 445-2044
FAX: (732) 445-3368