400 Level (Advanced Core & Elective Courses for Majors & Minors)
400 Level (Advanced Core & Elective Courses for Majors & Minors)
01:460:495,96 Honors in Geology
- Credits: 3
- Note: Both terms must be completed to receive credit. See Departmental Honors Program for requirements.
Research project chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser.
01:460:493,494 Independent Studies in Geology
- Credits: By Arrangment
- Prerequisites: Minimum 3.0 cumulative and geology grade-point averages. Adviser's approval required for registration
Topic of study chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser.
01:460:480 Major Events In Earth History
- Credits: 3
- Instructor(s): EPS Faculty
- Prerequisites: All courses for EPS majors in their senior year, or by special permission.
01:460:476 History of the Earth System
- Credits: 3
- Instructor(s): Prof. Falkowski
- Prerequisites: Introductory Gelogy and Introductory Chemistry, Biology or Physics (or permission of the Instructor).
Integration of atmospheric, oceanographic, geological and biological concepts with an historical perspective to introduce the major processes that have shaped Earth's environment; climatic processes on geological time scales; the evolution of organisms; the cycling of elements; the feedbacks between these processes.
01:460:451 Marine Geology
- Credits: 3
- Instructor(s): Prof. Wright, Miller
- Prerequisites: 01:460:300
Current knowledge and approaches to studying the Earth covered by ocean, from shoreline to deepest trench; depth and form of the seafloor as lower boundary of water that moves above it; composition of marine sediments; modes of transport into and within ocean basins plus global cycles and history they record; geologic and geophysical tools used to determine this record and infer properties and evolution of ocean crust