Rutgers' Electron Microprobe facility is centered around a JEOL JXA-8200 Superprobe, a state-of-the-art instrument designed for non-destructive chemical analysis as well as the capturing of compositional and topographic images of solid samples. The facility is fully equipped for preparation and measurement of samples for micro-analysis.
The faciltity is housed in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in Wright Laboratories Busch Campus, and is used by Rutgers' faculty, graduate and undergraduate students for research and instructional purposes. The facility is also avialable for use by researchers outside Rutgers. Recent users include faculty and students from Virginia Tech, Stony Brook University, Boston University, New York University, Stockton College, Dartmouth University and others. Machine time is available through a variable fee schedule determined by the type of use and amount of machine measurement time. Measurements may be made through arrangement with facility researchers, or through self use with variable assistance / oversight by facility lab techs depending on the users experience with microprobe data collection.
A wide variety of industries may also find the lab useful. We have worked with the Army Corps of engineers and the Gemological Institiute of America (GIA). The microprobe at Rutgers can be used to analyze solid samples with a wide range of compositions. Commercial uses for the microprobe include: quality control, materials characterization, and research and development. Potential clients should contact us at 848-445-3619.
For more information or scheduling please contact us at:
Wright-Reiman Laboratories
610 Taylor Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8066