- 1991 Ph.D. Cambridge University; Temporal Changes in the Geochemistry of North Pacific Red Clays – H. Elderfield, advisor
- 1986 B.Sc. St Andrews, Chemistry
- Introduction to Geochemistry
- Stable Isotope in the Environment
Research Interests
- Isotopic and trace element responses to surface processes
- Paleoclimate and groundwater studies in deserts, focusing on the Atacama Desert
- Evolution of Li rich brines and sedimentary deposits
- N and metal isotope indicator of the redox evolution of the oceans
Publications since 2020
Álvarez-Amado, F., Tardani, D., Poblete-González, C., Godfrey, L., Matte-Estrada, D., (2022) Hydrogeochemical processes controlling the water composition in a hyperarid environment: New insights from Li, B, and Sr isotopes in the Salar de Atacama, Sci. Total Environ., 835, 155470.
Álvarez-Amado, F., Rosales, M., Godfrey, L., Poblete-González, C., Morgado, E., Espinoza, M., Hidalgo-Gajardo, A., Volosky, D., Cortés-Aranda, J., The role of ignimbrites and fine sediments in the lithium distribution and isotopic fractionation in hyperarid environments: Insights from Li-isotopes in the Atacama Desert, J. Geochem. Exploration, 241, 107062.
Spry, P.G., Mathur, R.D., Teale, G.S., Godfrey, L.V,. (2022) Zinc, sulfur and cadmium isotopes and Zn/Cd ratios as indicators of the origin of the supergiant Broken Hill Pb–Zn–Ag deposit and other Broken Hill-type deposits, New South Wales, Australia, Geol. Mag., 10.1017/S0016756822000590
Emproto, C., Mathur, R, Simon, A., Bindeman, I., Godfrey, L., Dhnaram, C., Lisitsin, V., (2022) Integrated O, Fe, and Ti isotopic analysis elucidates multiple metal and fluid sources for magnetite from the Ernest Henry Iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) Deposit, Queensland, Australia. Ore Geol. Rev., 150, 105170
Gamboa, C., Godfrey, L., Urrutia, J., Herrera, C., Jordan, T., (2022) Conditions of Recharge in the Hyperarid Southern Atacama Desert, Global and Planetary Change. 217, 103931
Matt, P., Peck, W.H., Mathur, R., Hurtgen, M.R., Godfrey, L. (2022) Zinc Isotope Constraints on the Formation of Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) ore deposits: New Evidence from the Franklin, NJ Mining District, Ore Geol. Rev. 147, 104970,
Mathur, R., Emproto, C., Simon, A.C, Godfrey, L., Knaack, C., Vervoort, J.D. (2022) A Chemical Separation and Measuring Technique for Titanium Isotopes for Titanium Ores and Iron-Rich Minerals, Minerals, 12(5), 644; (registering DOI)
Boucher, R.D., Alavi, S.E., de Jong, H.N., Godfrey, L.V., Vogel, E.R., Stable isotope evidence (Fe, Cu) suggests that sex, but not aging is recorded in rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) bone, (2021) Amer. J. Phys. Anthropol., 176, 1-13
Powell, W. Johnson, M., Pulak, C., Yener, K.A., Mathur, R., Bankoff, H.A., Godfrey, L. Price, M., Galili, E. (2021) From peaks to ports: Insights into tin provenance, production, and distribution from adapted applications of lead isotopic analysis of the Uluburun tin ingots, J. Archaeological Science, 134, 105455,
Zhai, D., Mathur, R., Liu, S.-A., Liu, J., Godfrey, L., Wang, K., Xu, J., Vervoort, J. (2021) Antimony isotope fractionation in hydrothermal systems, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta
306, 84-97.
Mathur, R., Mahan, B., Spencer, M., Godfrey, L., Landman, N., Garb, M., Pearson, D.G., Liu, S.-A., Oboh-Ikuenobe, F.E. (2021) Fingerprinting the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact with Zn isotopes, Nature Comm., 12(1), 1-8
Godfrey, L.V., Herrera, C., Burr, G.S., Houston, J., Aguirre, I., Jordan T.E., 13C and 14C activity of DOC and DIC in groundwater on the Loa Basin of northern Chile. (2021) J. Hydrology, 595, 125987,
Herrera, C., Godfrey, L., Urrutia, J., Custodio, E., Jordan, T., Jódar, J., Delgado, K., Barrenecha (2021) Recharge and residence times of groundwater in hyper arid areas: The confined aquifer of Calama, Loa River Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile, Science of the Total Environment, 752, 141847
Rigo, M., Onoue, T., Tanner, L.H., Lucas, S.G., Godfrey, L., + 13 others (2020) The Late Triassic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian boundary: Biotic evidence and geochemical signature, Earth Science Reviews, 204, 103180
Godfrey, L.V., Álvarez-Amado, F., (2020) Volcanic and saline lithium inputs to the Salar de Atacama, Minerals, 10, 201
Garcia, M.G., Borda, L.G., Godfrey, L.V., López Steinmetz, R.L., Losada-Calderon, A., (2020) Characterization of lithium cycling in the Salar De Olaroz, Central Andes, using a geochemical and isotopic approach. Chemical Geology, 531, 119340.
Jordan, T.E., Lohman, R.B., Tapia, L., Pfeiffer, M., Scott, C.P., Amundson, R., Godfrey, L., Riquelme, R., (2020) Surface materials and landforms as controls on InSAR permanent and transient responses to precipitation events in a hyperarid desert, Chile. Remote Sensing of Environment, 237, 111544.