Rift basins in cross section from around the world

Rift basins in cross section from around the world all shown at the same scale and drafted with the same style. Click on the image to see a larger version. Modified from Withjack et al. (2002).


Rift basins in map view from around the world

Rift basins in map view from around the world all shown at the same scale and drafted with the same style. Each map is oriented so that the long-axis is parallel to the long dimension of the figure. The inferred extension direction is estimated from the geometry of dikes and secondary normal faults. In b, c, and d, the extension direction is oblique to the overall trend of the rift basin. In a, the extension direction changed from direction 1 to direction 2 during the protracted rift history. In c, the border fault is (sub)parallel to preexisting faults in pre-rift rocks. In d, thick shales act as a highly ductile layer that decouples the deep and shallow deformation. In e, the dip direction of border faults and the dip direction of syn-rift strata vary along the length of the rift. Click on the image to see a larger version. Modified from Withjack et al. (2002) and Withjack & Schlische (2005).