
  • Rutgers University, NJ, Ph.D. Student
  • Fluminense Federal University, B.S. in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 2018
    • Undergraduate Thesis I: "Data collection for water quality modeling in the River Macacu Watershed"
    • Undergraduate Thesis II: "A hydrological model applied to a small, forested watershed: discharge predictions for different climatic scenarios"


  • Rutgers University Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Teaching Assistant for GEO 414 - Hydrologic Processes

Honors and Awards

  • National Geographic Society - Early Career Grant - 2020
    • Project: "Searching belowground: can land hydrology explain plant distribution and function?"
  • CUAHSI - Universities Allied for Water Research - The Pathfinder Fellowship - 2020
    • Project: "Hydrologic influences on plant function across climates"
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) - The Horton Research Award - 2018
    • Project: "Vegetation responses to groundwater in the Amazon"
  • Federal Government of Brazil/CAPES - The Science Without Borders Exchange Fellowship - 2014

Research Interests

  • Vegetation and groundwater: how does groundwater drive plant distribution?
  • Plant physiological traits: how do plants cope with water-related stresses?
  • Water and forest mortality: how do tropical forests respond to meteorological and hydrological droughts?

Advisor and Dissertation Committee


Potkay, A., ten Veldhuis, M.C., Fan, Y., Mattos, C.R.C., Ananyev, G., Dismukes, G.C. 2019. Water and Vapor Transport in Algal‐Fungal Lichen: Modeling constrained by Laboratory Experiments, an application for Flavoparmelia caperataPlant, Cell & Environment. 

Meetings / Abstracts

  • Workshop - "Plant hydraulics, hydrological environments and tropical vegetation modeling" - Wageningen University, Netherlands - 2018

Action shots


Measuring trees in the Cerrado Savanna, Brazil, July 2019