Research Interest Statement

I am 1 year Ph.D. student, starting my work with Dr. Katherine Bermingham on a project related to the late accretion stage of Earth and the contribution of non-chondritic material to it. My work will include investigating the chemical composition of terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples, focusing on W, Ru, and Mo. 

Before (and still) my Ph.D. I was working on data curation and data analytics of compositional data of chondrites and their components. I am always thrilled about projects related to extraterrestrial samples and using data science methods for their exploration.


Ostroverkhova, A., Prabhu, A., Boujibar A., Hummer, D. R., Hazen, R. M., & Morrison, S. M. (2022) Informing Classification via Machine Learning of Chondritic Components based on Major/Minor Oxides and Oxygen Isotopes.. Geoscience Data Journal (In prep).

Ostroverkhova, A., Prabhu, A., Boujibar A., Hummer, D. R., Hazen, R. M., & Morrison, S. M. (2022) Compositional data of olivine from meteorites. Geoscience Data Journal (In prep).

Grew, E. S., Hystad, G., Toapanta, M. P., Eleish, A., Ostroverkhova, A., Golden, J., & Hazen, R. M. (2019). Lithium mineral evolution and ecology: comparison with boron and beryllium. European Journal of Mineralogy, 31(4), 755-774.