Message from the Chair
The Start of an Exciting Year
Hello Earth and Planetary Science Alumni, As we start our start the 2023-24 year, there are new things to report. EPS is in the midst of a makeover with new tile floors replacing the gray carpet and white painted walls. The walls are bare now giving a sterile appearance. However, we are planning a... Read More: Message from the Chair
Notes from the Field
Announcing the Recipients of the 2023 Undergraduate Student Awards
Congratulations to all of our 2023 Undergraduate Student Award recipients! The department of Earth and Planetary Science is celebrating its many talented students. We are super proud of all of their... Announcing the Recipients of the 2023 Undergraduate Student Awards -
Rutgers-led study indicates future changes, including a reduction to Earth’s ability to store carbon
Originally published by Rutgers Today on August 29, 2023. Written by Kitta MacPherson A portion of Amazonian lowland rainforest – areas critical to absorbing carbon dioxide and buffering climate... Rutgers-led study indicates future changes, including a reduction to Earth’s ability to store carbon -
From Apollo to Artemis: Unraveling Mysteries in Moon Rocks!
Written by Dr. Juliane Gross The Apollo Program returned 381 kg of samples from the lunar surface which have provided fundamental insights into the origin and history of the Earth-Moon system and our... From Apollo to Artemis: Unraveling Mysteries in Moon Rocks! -
How Rutgers Is Forging the Next Generation of Climate Change Problem Solvers
One of EPS's Ph.D. students, Fatematus Nishi, and faculty members, Prof. Bob Kopp, featured in the Rutgers Today article as members of the EPS Department actively contribute to solving real-world... How Rutgers Is Forging the Next Generation of Climate Change Problem Solvers -
Celebrating Mosasaurs at the Rutgers Geology Museum
The unveiling of the restored painting in the background.From Left to Right: Artist Jeanne Filler Scott, Former Geology Museum Director Bill Selden, Graduate Student Amelia Zietlow from the American Museum... Celebrating Mosasaurs at the Rutgers Geology Museum -
From Jersey to Alaska: A Student's Epic Trek Inspires a Calling in Glacier Science
Written by John Chadwick | SAS Senior Writer Journey Berry hopes to make the field more diverse Journey Berry grew up immersed in the performing arts, playing bass and mulling a career as a jazz... From Jersey to Alaska: A Student's Epic Trek Inspires a Calling in Glacier Science -
Lessons From the Cores!
Professor Jim Wright and members of his research group went to a core repository in Oregon to split, scan, and describe the cores that they collected along the Patagonian margin, offshore Argentina... Lessons From the Cores!
Alumni Spotlights
Energy Sector
Thomas N. Ambrose
Michael Klaser
Research & Academics
Julia Criscione
Faculty & Staff Updates
Dr. Dennis Kent Retires After 22 Years at Rutgers
Arriving at Rutgers in 1998, following over 30 years at Lamont/Columbia Dennis Kent started as a faculty/researcher in our department serving on the faculty for 22 years. While at Rutgers, Dennis... Dr. Dennis Kent Retires After 22 Years at Rutgers -
Martha Oliver Withjack Retires: Honoring Martha's Achievements
Written by Roy Schlische with contributions from Michael Durcanin and Alissa Henza On July 1, 2020, after 20 years at Rutgers, Dr. Martha Oliver Withjack made the transition from tenured professor... Martha Oliver Withjack Retires: Honoring Martha's Achievements -
Petrologist, Dr. Claude Herzberg, Retires after 41 Years of Teaching and Research
Dr. Claude Herzberg retired this past year after 41 years of teaching and research at Rutgers. Claudebegan his career as a petrologist, teaching introductory geology and petrology to undergraduates... Petrologist, Dr. Claude Herzberg, Retires after 41 Years of Teaching and Research